The all new K-Tech Off road valve system...

The K-tech Off Road Valve System (ORVS) has been designed as a performance upgrade for WP XPLOR, enabling riders to enhance the performance of their original equipment front forks.
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The Off-Road Valve System (ORVS) is a replacement internal damping system giving better response times and extended adjustment range for enhanced performance on all terrains including sand, hard pack and rocks, increasing grip, cornering performance and jumping while maximising the stability and ride quality for more positive and safer control.

With multiple Enduro and Motocross successes to its name, K-tech is one of the worlds leading manufacturers and suppliers of motorcycle suspension products and parts. Through their experience in Enduro, the ORVS has been designed with performance in mind, and has been rigorously tested to ensure maximum performance. The new damping system includes complete compression and rebound assemblies with new pistons, finer adjustment control needles and a new hydraulic bottoming cup, which seals the cartridge tube to improve damping response time and bottoming control.