Design and manufacture of cutting edge technology for over 20 years
Design and manufacture of cutting edge technology for over 20 years
Design and manufacture of cutting edge technology for over 20 years
Design and manufacture of cutting edge technology for over 20 years
Design and manufacture of cutting edge technology for over 20 years
Design and manufacture of cutting edge technology for over 20 years
Design and manufacture of cutting edge technology for over 20 years
Design and manufacture of cutting edge technology for over 20 years
Design and manufacture of cutting edge technology for over 20 years
Design and manufacture of cutting edge technology for over 20 years
Riders - Be your best.
Our brand promise is simple – we want to inspire riders to be the best they possibly can.
This is what we centre all of our focus on.

Working behind the scenes with some of the best riders in the world gives us the insight, feedback and knowledge we need to deliver championship winning suspension

Our R&D team stop at nothing to get under the skin of riders and understand exactly what they need to be their best.

Suspend your disbelief.
K-Tech's on-site R&D centre has the team and equipment to leave no stone unturned and no questions left un-answered.
Born from the desire to develop the worlds most advanced and most winning motorcycle suspension.