off road damping system
off road damping system
off road damping system
off road damping system
off road damping system
off road damping system
off road damping system
off road damping system
off road damping system
off road damping system

cartridge kits
The K-Tech Off Road Damping System has been designed for lightweight off-road motorcycles.
Designed and manufactured in the UK they use the highest quality materials and processes. The system provides the rider with control and confidences in demanding off road conditions.
The cartridge features a hydraulic bottoming control system which protects the rider from severe impacts when landing from large jumps. The ORDS cartridges are adjustable for compression and rebound damping.
External Compression & Rebound Adjustment.
Hydraulic Bottoming Control System.
32 clicks compression & rebound adjustment
hydraulic bottoming control system
wide range of spring rates available

Cartridge Kits.